
Chiropractic for children

Many are unaware that chiropractic care isn’t just for adults—it can also be highly beneficial for newborns, infants, and children. Chiropractic treatments for children involve gentle, non-invasive techniques that yield remarkable results through subtle pressure and movements, often resembling tickling or light massages.

Through chiropractic care, we ensure proper adjustment and alignment of the spine and joints, relieving pressure on the nervous system and fostering a synchronized and stable growth environment.


Chiropractic care offers multifaceted benefits for younger patients, aiding in the maintenance of a robust immune system by enhancing neural transmission and blood flow throughout the body. Studies have also shown improvements in sleep, digestion, and alleviation of constipation in children receiving regular chiropractic treatment.


Supporting a child’s developmental milestones is another crucial aspect of chiropractic care. Given children’s high activity levels, even minor falls can impact spinal and joint alignment, impeding certain movements’ progress. Trained chiropractors can assist in preserving these natural movements, enabling unimpeded and optimal growth.


Furthermore, chiropractic care extends its benefits beyond newborns and children to pregnant patients. Pregnancy triggers numerous physical and hormonal changes that may lead to spinal and joint misalignments, often accompanied by discomfort and pain. Chiropractic care offers effective solutions, optimizing joint mobility and notably reducing discomfort.


Our objective with chiropractic care is to enhance the health of joints and the nervous system. Symptoms are not a prerequisite for benefiting from chiropractic care during pregnancy. In fact, regular chiropractic sessions during pregnancy have been associated with shorter labor and delivery times, improved posture, decreased spine and joint pain, and reduced nausea. Additionally, chiropractic care aids in maintaining or improving pelvic balance, facilitating optimal fetal positioning for birth. Regular treatments may also mitigate inflammation and bolster the immune system, contributing to an overall healthier pregnancy.

All our chiropractors treat children from the age of 5. Younger children and babies require additional chiropractic training which Carissa Schirmer now offers in our practice.

Chiropractic for children
